How Many Calls Are
You Missing?
If you don't have one
or more of the top 10 (Page 1) results on Google for the most important buying phrases for your
business then the answer, unfortunately is A LOT!
You see, today 97% of
all consumers (YOUR CUSTOMERS) who are looking to purchase your local services look online
first. This is in stark contrast to just a few years ago
when the yellow book and other printed mediums were the first choice.
Two Important Small Business Online
Advertising Facts You Need to Know About
What this means is
that if you are not using the comprehensive local marketing system from your business is at a huge
disadvantage and at risk of going the way of the dodo bird.
What's Driving the Shift to Local Internet
Advertising and Marketing?
Driving this shift are
the improvements in search engine technology and mobile platforms such as the iPhone, iPad and
other smart mobile platforms.
The time to gain
dominance for your local search market is NOW. To find out just how many calls you could be getting by implementing
our proprietary local business marketing process simply tell us a little about your
business and the top three towns you serve and we'll send you our estimate
for FREE.
Internet marketing for
your local business is a zero sum game. There are only 10
spots on the first page of Google, Bing and Yahoo. Either
you dominate the first page and fetch more new customers than your competitors or you risk becoming
FetchLocalCustomers Your Complete Turn-Key Local Online Advertising System
Learn How Many Calls You are

New search figures are
compiled every month by comScore. While they vary from month-to-month in general here is
how they shake out:
Search Volume
Google -
Yahoo -
Bing -
All others -
This is why we
focus on Google first and the other search engines second.
Less than 11% of your potential
customers will navigate to the second page of a search result. Less than 3% will ever go to
Page 3!